

What I am about to share goes beyond full disclosure, it feels like exposure. It is certainly quite embarrassing but there is a greater purpose than simple confession. You see I have not one sweet tooth but an entire mouthful and until about 2 years ago I allowed those sweet teeth full rein. Just so you understand exactly what that means I offer a day in my life - food-diary-wise - from back in the day:

7:00 AM Eat a cookie (or whatever baked goodie there may be on hand) while preparing a healthy and delicious breakfast for the family.
8:00 AM Breakfast.
9:30-ish - time for a snack. How about a piece of candy?
10:30 - another cookie or perhaps a piece of chocolate.
12:00  Lunch  (maybe ... peanut butter and HONEY?) and a treat for sure!
2:00 PM - candy again??!
3:30 - 5:00 PM there must be something sweet around here. 
5:00 PM snack on ....candy? Again?! (I am honestly shaking my head right this minute. Seriously! what was I thinking?) while preparing (an honestly healthy) dinner.
6:00 PM  Dinner and dessert (of course!)
8:30 PM bedtime snack - you guessed it - something sweet.

You have no idea how lowering it is to recall and write that. I can barely bring myself to look at it. Really - I have to squint before I can. lol. In my (very feeble) defence there just never seemed to be a compelling reason to abstain from all the sugar. Weight has never been an issue (fortunately slim by nature), I did eat fruits, veggies, and all the other good stuff, and I really enjoyed it - so why not? Well, I had a very loud wake-up call and now I know why not. But that is not what this is about.

It is about this! 

As embarrassing as my old (and ridiculously sadly missed) eating habits are .... today I am validated! According to a recent study in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology people who chose dessert (as opposed to a savoury snack or nothing at all) proved to be more likely to help a person in need. The study also showed that the sweet-tooth-types are generally perceived as being kinder than our (perhaps wiser) peers.

I no longer graze my way through the day on sugar but I hope, with all the hope I can generate, that I am part of that demographic. I want to be the person that sees the need and responds to it. I want to be kind today and kinder tomorrow. Honestly sweet through and through. Totally validated and not a bit embarrassed about it.


  1. I love this post for a number of reasons.

    First, I am the same as you (it takes ALL of my will power to snack on almonds and brocolli all day long as opposed to brownies, cookies and chocolate - my strong preference). I like being the same as you. Period.

    Second, I like that my propensity for sweets is indicitive of a good thing as opposed to a mere human weakness for the combination of butter, sugar and a pinch of salt.

    Finally, I like reading what I know is true. You ARE always looking to help and add to people's lives in a positive and constructive way. None of us would have the same level of comfort, security or happiness without all of the countless large and small things you do for us! Even just this blog makes people's lives better!

    So thank you for being sweet, making sweets, and teaching me to enjoy both! Like you I try everyday to eat less sugar and show more compassion/ give more service. Hopefully both are making us stronger.

  2. Cheri, I can be one of the people to attest to the fact that your nature itself made you a genuinely sweet person, not all the sugar you ate!!!!! I remember, quite fondly, the hours you and I spent down in wardrobe, talking and sharing laughter, with David quietly reading in a chair. Some of my fondest memories.


  3. I love this post for a number of reasons.

    First, I am the same as you (it takes ALL of my will power to snack on almonds and broccoli all day long as opposed to brownies, cookies and chocolate - my strong preference). I like being the same as you. Period.

    Second, I like that my propensity for sweets is indicative of a good thing as opposed to a mere human weakness for the combination of butter, sugar and a pinch of salt.

    Finally, I like reading what I know is true. You ARE always looking to help and add to people's lives in a positive and constructive way. None of us would have the same level of comfort, security or happiness without all of the countless large and small things you do for us! Even just this blog makes people's lives better!

    So thank you for being sweet, making sweets, and teaching me to enjoy both! Like you I try everyday to eat less sugar and show more compassion/ give more service. Hopefully both are making us stronger.

  4. I couldn't imagine where you were going with this confession!!! Not to worry, you are absolutely sweet through and through xo
