
sweet eden

Today is for my sweet Eden. Who readily and generously sees the unique beauty in others and captures it forever. Who encourages and nurtures that beauty of body and spirit as she mothers. Who is my best friend as well as my incredibly precious daughter. A cheerleader, companion in adventures large and small, the smile in each day. My comfort.

Happy Birthday my love. I am so proud of you and grateful for you. You are truly beautiful every moment in every way.

Thanks Dennis for the fun pics!


  1. Eden is such a wonderful, talented, beautiful, capable person. I am so glad she is my sister (and I love these photos!)

  2. Such a perfect description of Eden and I cant agree more. She is so soooo stunning, inside and out and in every single way. It amazes me!!

  3. So, can this be Eden's fan club? I concur with what has been said. Eden is not only intensely talented, she is also an amazing mother, a devoted sister, and kind to everyone - well, she's kind to me, therefore, she must be kind to everyone. And she is stunning. The photos certainly capture her gorgeousness.

  4. Happy Birthday Eden. Love the tribute and love the pics. Both are well deserved and true to your spirit. Love, Roz
