
berry care

A tip to forestall the fuzzy berry issue: after buying and before storing berries, rinse them in cold water and then give them a short vinegar bath. Use 1 part cider vinegar to 10 parts cold water, dump the berries in and let them play for a minute or two before pulling them out. Drain in a colander for a few minutes and then store in the fridge. This should prolong their life quite significantly. It's a tiny bit of a pain but nothing compared to finding an expensive bunch of berries wearing fuzzy green coats just when you were all ready for one. Works for all kinds of berries. 


  1. Wow. I guess that kind of makes sense - you're essentially disinfecting the berries. Smart!

  2. Cheri, do you rinse the berries after the cider vinegar/water bath?

  3. Flora - I don't but you could if you wanted. There is really no need. The vinegar solution is dilute enough that there is no taste of it on the fruit.
