
honey lemon tart

gluten-free, refined sugar free

This is the tart that consumed me. The one I shelved in favour of a cherub with a braided crown. It is simple, simple, simple. Straight up fresh Meyer lemon fragrant wonderfulness.  The sunshine we crave at (what we hope is) the tail-end of winter ... although that is serious wishful thinking considering this is Calgary and it is still February. It has happened. Maybe once. I think.... 

But back to the tart. I adjusted the recipe to be refined sugar-free for the first try - we loved it with our whole hearts! I determined that I needed to make a gluten-free version so that Eden could share the delight. Turns out a good gluten-free tart shell is not as easy as one would hope. Part of the problem was that the first not-gluten-free tart shell was so very, very good - the bar was pretty high. Eden requested that I try a grain-free tart shell. That was try #2 and was super yummy but a bit .... ahhhmmm, not crisp. I used almond flour and coconut flour and those flours combined with the lemon made for tropical heaven. But not quite what I was hoping for in terms of bite. Nevertheless it was so good that I offer a coconut tart shell option in case you want to go that direction. The whole grain gluten-free tart shell is better in terms of texture and allows the lemon to really shine. Choose whichever you think you will prefer but seriously choose to make one. You will not regret the teeny, tiny bit of time and effort it takes. This is a really good return on investment.

I used coconut palm sugar along with the honey to sweeten the lemon filling. The only downside to that choice is it darkens the filling so it is not the bright, sunny yellow one expects. I also tried using only honey - delicious but the texture was not as smooth as I wanted so for the next and last try I went back to using a bit of coconut palm sugar. You will want to make absolutely certain that you have chased down every single lemon seed - one rogue seed will ruin this (bitter, bitter - in every sense).

honey lemon tart
(inspired by the Lazy Mary's Lemon tart from Food52)

1 large Meyer lemon (peel included), cut into eight pieces (check carefully for seeds)
1/2 cup coconut palm sugar
2/3 cup honey
1/3 cup unsalted butter
1 tsp vanilla
4 eggs
1/8 tsp sea salt

Put all ingredients into a blender and process on high until smooth. Pour into prepared tart shell. Bake at 350 degrees F for 40 minutes.

gluten-free tart shell

1 cup whole grain gluten-free
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/3 cup unsalted butter
1 large egg
2 Tbsp ice water

In a food processor pulse flour, salt and butter until mixture resembles fine meal. Whisk egg and water to combine and add to mixture in the food processor, then pulse until mixture holds together. If necessary add more water 1/2 tbsp at a time.

Press dough into greased tart shell.

coconut-almond flour tart shell

1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup almond flour
2 Tbsp coconut oil
3 Tbsp unsalted butter
1 tsp coconut palm sugar
1/8 tsp sea salt
1 egg
1 Tbsp ice water

In a food processor pulse flours, salt, and coconut palm sugar a few times to combine. Add the unsalted butter and coconut oil pulsing until mixture is rough and pieces are irregular pea-sized clumps. Stir egg and water together. Add to mixture in food processor and pulse just until mixture holds together.

Press dough into greased tart shell.


  1. sounds soooo good! and I love the images of the lemons.

  2. I made this last night to rave reviews. It was incredible.

  3. Jonathon made this for Graeme and I tonight - unbelievable!!! Could not believe he made it, and could not believe how easy the recipe sounds!! Will definitely be trying this soon.
