This is my marriage by the numbers:
5 absolutely fantastic, talented and beautiful children
2 times living overseas in Japan - once in Osaka with our young family and then later in Tokyo
5 years in North Vancouver
20 homes/apartments we have lived in (I shudder to think of all those moves)
6 full-fledged houses
3 homes we 'built'
5 most number of years we have lived in any one place
2 university degrees - one for each of us
2 loved sons-in-law
1 beautiful and loved daughter-in-law
5 sweet, smart and beautiful grandchildren
untold hours of joy, tears, and triumph together
(looks like 5 should be, must be my lucky number)
A while ago I was reading in the journal that I wrote when we were newly married. I was surprised by the maturity of the goals I recorded on our wedding day. In a nutshell I wanted to be a companion in every significant sense - someone who would encourage the best and understand the less than the best in my new husband. I don't know how well I have succeeded to date but it has been a privilege to try and I mean to keep trying. One thing I do know is that I am a much, much better person as a result of David's influence than I would ever have been without it. I knew the moment I saw him that I wanted him "to pick me! pick me!" and I am ever so grateful and happy that he did. One of the things I hoped for on our wedding day was that I would love him more with the passage of time than I did then and I can say for sure that if I had known then how much I would love him now I would have been.....amazed.
Photo by Eden Lang 2007
aw, mom that is such a sweet post. Happy Anniversary!!! We love you both so much.
Wow! I looked at the date of your post. What a tender mercy that you were able to give so much thought and gratitude for this remarkable milestone before the devastation hit. It has always been obvious to everyone in the family that you and uncle Dave have a deep love for each other. That will always be a stabilizing force for good in your family no doubt. Congratulations:)
Hi Cheri,
I am your niece's (Megan Norton) sis-in-law. I found your blog through Eden's blog. I just wanted you and your family to know how sorry I am for your loss. I can't imagine what you are feeling and going through right now. I just wanted you to know that I have been praying for you and mourning with you.
I hope that you will continue this blog. I think you'll find that you'll find a community of people that will provide you with strength and love when you and your family need it the most.
May Heavenly Father wrap you in his warmth as you say good-bye to Michael and Merin today.
Ortensia Norton
I love your blog, you have such a love of life and people in it.
Congratulations to you and David on your 34th. It has been wonderful to see the love and harmony of your family.
thanks for being such an AWESOME CHER
Love ...Mom
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